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Bob Howitt, that’s me, recently published a 438-page book: Thoughts from Twenty Years in the Educational Trenches … A Unique College Guide for Latino Students and their Supporters.

For some strange reason, people wondered who it was for, why was it so long, and was it reinventing the wheel. What I have done with this website is to pull apart the thousands of words and organize them into topics, editing and excerpting the book itself. The intent is to provide more user-friendly access for constituencies from students to guidance counselors to members of boards of education to non-profit organizations involved in the world of higher education.

My belief is that fundamental long-term changes in society are opening up an unprecedented opportunity for Latino students, particularly given the probability of either comprehensive immigration reform or DREAM Act-centered legislation.

Simply put, the BILINGUAL, BICULTURAL LATINO STUDENT has the country coming his or her way—if fully-prepared: academically, culturally, and with documentation. This material is dedicated to assisting that student and all those involved in his/her life. For shorthand purposes, the book is simply referred to as GUIDE.

P.S. Since a website is hereby created, I decided to use it as a platform for certain other writings, some related to GUIDE topics, some not. Cheers. Bob

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://www.bobhowitt.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/100113-GUIDE-TEXT.pdf”]

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